EN 17446:2021 Fire extinguishing systems in commercial kitchens - System design, documentation, and test requirements
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This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
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- Introduction
- Scope
- Normative references
- Terms and definitions
- Design and system requirements
- General
- Components
- Detection and system activation
- Location of system components and detection/activation elemens
- Moving and relocating equipment
- Commissioning, installation and maintenance
- System manual
- Test methods
- General
- Extinguishing tests in cooking appliances
- Splash tests
- Hood and air extract duct entrance
- Plenum extinguishing tests
- Agent distribution test
- Test report
European foreword
This document (EN 17446:2021) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 191 “Fixed firefighting systems”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by February 2022, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by February 2022.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards body. A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
This document has been developed with the purpose of establishing a common base for fire protection of commercial kitchens (for example, the ones used in restaurants, hotels and hospitals), attending to the appliances usually found in them and independently from the typology of the fire extinguishing system used. This approach focused in hazard protection rather than in the definition of the system, allows achieving a same fire hazard protection level independently from the type of system used.
This document does not consider the requirements for the components that constitute the different types of fire extinguishing systems to which it applies. This circumstance does not reduce the importance to the need that components are designed to ensure functionality and reliability of the system, both for those having existing standards and for those that at this moment do not count with them.
Summarizing, this document offers a full set of requirements to carry out the design, installation and maintenance of fire protection systems for kitchens, together with test protocols applicable to any system, which shall be completed when required, with specific requirements in relationship with the components constituting a system for each typology.
It is important to understand that the protection of the cooking areas only without including the hood, plenum or the air extract ducts may become incomplete because of the possibility of fire causing the ignition of the grease present in them, and to which an extinguishing agent discharge not including these points, will not be capable to extinguish it. The existence of fire in the air extract ducts can cause its propagation to other parts of the building.
This document establishes the minimum requirements applicable to the design, installation, functioning, test and maintenance of fixed automatic fire extinguishing systems for kitchen protection that covers the cooking appliances, the hood, the plenum and the air extract ducts. This document also provides requirements for the construction and components performance as applicable to specific types, designs, sizes and arrangements of pre-engineered kitchen fire-extinguishing systems.
This document does not cover household kitchens or industrial food production equipment.
The detailed test procedures for the plenum and air extract ducts are contained in CEN/TS 17749.
Closed plenum type ventilated ceilings designed similar to standard hoods are included in this document. Open plenum type ventilated ceilings are excluded and require an engineered solution for the plenum protection. Protection for appliances below open or closed plenum ventilated ceilings are included.
Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at https://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp
Extinguishing agent
substance whose action causes the extinguishment of a fire
cooking appliance
cooking device that has, or is capable of having, a surface of liquid grease or one in which cooking with grease is involved
device part of an exhaust system that directs and captures grease and oil vapours and also the combustion gases from a cooking appliance
deep fat fryer
cooking appliance where the food is fried submerged in a fixed vat filled with oil exposed to an intense radiant or convective heat source
multiple vat fryer
fryer that incorporates vats that are mechanically joined together, where each vat incorporates a separately controlled heating source
split-vat deep fat fryer
fryer that incorporates a divided partition which splits the fryer in sections, where each split-vat fryer incorporates a separately controlled heating source
expellant gas
means used to discharge the extinguishing agent from its container
melted animal fat, vegetable shortening, or other type of oily substance used in, or as a result from, the preparation of foods
range top
cooking appliance where the food is cooked and is directly exposed to a heat source
system manual
manufacturer’s documentation where the design, installation, functioning and maintenance of the system are defined
cooking appliance where the food is not directly exposed to the fire but on a flat surface intensely heated by radiation or convection
cooking appliance where the food is on a grill, directly exposed to an intense heat source by radiation, and perhaps by convection, where neither the food nor the radiation source have to be necessarily in the horizontal position
hood space behind the filters
tested hazard
kitchen appliance, hood or plenum where the fire is generated, and the air extract duct during the tests described in this document and that will determine the scope of the obtained results
tilt skillet
cooking appliance consisting in a large dimension vessel exposed to an intense heat source, which can move from one side to the other tilting on an axis, where the food is cooked, boiled, sautéed or fried
extinguishing system
components fitted to each other forming a fixed system that discharges an extinguishing agent for the purpose of extinguishing fires in kitchens
discharge time
time during which the discharge of the extinguishing agent occurs without interruptions in it, without including the residual expellant gas discharge, if applicable
bottom domed round frying pan
protected kitchen area
surface enclosing all the cooking appliances located under the projection of a hood, including the associated filters, plenum and air extract ducts
pre-engineered kitchen fire-extinguishing system
performance tested system in accordance with the limitations prescribed by the manufacturer and included in the system manual
Design and system requirements
- The system shall be designed according to the fire extinguishing system manual. The system manual shall be based on the parameters determined from the requirements of this document.
- A full system review shall be conducted to the fire extinguishing system prior to any change which could affect the operation and/or efficacy of the kitchen equipment.
- The system shall be dedicated to the protected equipment.
- Where power supplies are essential to maintain the operation of the system, a secondary power supply should be provided independent of the primary supply.
- For hoods with an inner physical separation, both sides of the separation shall be protected.
The system shall only use components as used in the testing and as specified in the manufacturer’s manual. There shall be no substitution of components.
All system components shall be designed to function under the intended conditions and within their range of temperatures of utilization.
gent container assembly
Where containers are used in these systems they shall be designed to meet the requirements of relevant national standards.
The containers used in these systems shall be designed to meet the requirements of relevant national standards.
Discharge nozzles
Nozzles shall be manufactured from non-combustible materials and they shall withstand the intended fire exposure without observed deformation or without its extinguishing performances being reduced.
Nozzles shall be designed to prevent clogging, or other means within the system shall be employed.
Pipe and fittings
Pipe and fittings shall be of non-combustible material and with physical and chemical characteristics compatible with the extinguishing agent
Hose and hose fittings
Hoses and hose fittings, shall not be used where they are exposed to the fire and be of materials having physical and chemical characteristics compatible with the extinguishing agent.
Extinguishing agent
The extinguishing agent used shall be defined in the fire test report. Extinguishing agents with different formulations or provided by different manufacturers shall not be used or mixed. The instructions provided in the system manual shall be followed.
Manual activation device
Each system shall be equipped with at least one manual activation device. Operation of the manual activation device shall lead to immediate activation and complete discharge of the system.
The operating mechanism of the manual activation device (pull ring, handle, lever, push button or strike knob) shall be suitable for manual operation.
Electrical activation devices
For systems with an electrical manual push button actuation system, it shall be fitted with a protective cover to prevent inadvertent operation. The protective cover shall have a wire seal or equivalent indicating element.
Special requirements
For all penetrations through a protected air extract duct or hood an appropriate oil tight fitting shall be used.
Detection and system activation
All systems shall have both automatic and manual activation methods. These activation methods shall be independent from each other in order to avoid the failure of one of them preventing the functioning of the system.
Location of system components and detection/activation elements
Extinguishing agent storage
Extinguishing agent and expellant gas containers shall be located in places where the range of ambient temperature is within the specified values in the system manual, avoiding those locations where wide and continuous variations of temperature are foreseen that may result in a premature degradation of the extinguishing agent and therefore, in a considerable decrease of its extinguishing capacity.
Discharge nozzles
All discharge nozzles shall be located so that damage and incorrect nozzle aiming are minimized and are always to be installed within the limitations in the system manual.
The fire detection devices for cooking appliances shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Manual activation devices
The manual activation device shall be installed in an easily accessible place and height and be in the path of egress.
Near each manual activation device, signage shall be placed with at least the following information
Moving and relocating equipment
To ensure correct nozzle aiming, cooking appliances shall have the appropriate means to ensure correct positioning in relation to the discharge nozzles during the usual tasks in the kitchen.
Commissioning, installation and maintenance
The system is designed to be installed, commissioned and maintained in accordance with the system manual, by competent persons trained by the manufacturer.
System manual
A copy of the installation, operating, recharging, inspection and maintenance instruction manual is to be furnished for use as a reference in the examination and testing of an automatic extinguishing unit or preengineered extinguishing system unit.
Test methods
The extinguishing system shall be tested for each cooking appliance it is expected to be used with.
The type test should be conducted by an independent testing laboratory accredited to EN ISO/IEC 17025.
Unless otherwise specifically indicated, the scope of the results of each test is limited to the same or lesser size and to the same tested hazard, as well as to the system characteristics affecting the distribution of the extinguishing agent. In relation to dimensions, only the cooking area of the concerned cooking appliance is considered.
Extinguishing tests in cooking appliances
The length and width of the tested hazard shall be in accordance with the coverage limitations of the maximum area and size specified in the system manual.
Where the test hazard is a deep fat fryer, the field of applicability of results may be extended to griddle, range top, electric or gas broiler, upright broiler and wok, of the same dimensions and under the same test conditions.
Compliance criteria for extinguishing tests
When performing an extinguishing test, the following shall be complied with:
after the fire has been extinguished, some fuel shall be remaining.
Minimum discharge flow test criteria
Extinguishing tests shall be carried out on a system discharging the minimum quantity of extinguishing agent over the hazard with the minimum discharge flow per nozzle, with the hydraulically most unfavourable distribution network, on each of the following:
Cooking area limitations
If the area of the protected appliance exceeds the capacity of a single nozzle then multiple nozzles may be used in modules, provided the area of coverage assigned to each discharge nozzle does not exceed the tested area of coverage.
Extinguishing test on deep fat fryers
Tested hazard
The hazard to test is a natural gas, propane or butane, or electric deep fat fryer, at least 350 mm deep, having a cooking surface area according to the hazard intended to cover with the system. In case the deep fat fryer has drip boards, the surface area of the zone to protect shall be calculated taking into account the system manual.Fuel
Fill the hazard with unused oil until the oil surface is at least 755 mm from the top of the vat. If the deep fat fryer incorporates a drip board, the oil surface shall be at the height of the deep fat fryer/drip pan interface, when it is between 20 °C and 390 °C.Actuation sequence
For every sample subjected to test, proceed as follows:If the hazard includes deep fat fryers with adjacent vat(s), measures shall be taken to prevent the extinguishing agent poured over the adjacent vats or the products derived from its interaction with the fuel from rolling over into the vat ignited during the test, either by reducing oil temperature in those vats or by other means.
Tested hazard
The hazard to test is a griddle consisting 0 mm deep.Fuel
Cover the hazard to test with oil deep.Actuation sequence
For each sample subjected to test, proceed as follows:
- heat the oil with the hazard’s integral heat source until auto-ignition occurs;
- manually activate the extinguishing system;
- check the requirements established
Tested hazard
Two hazards are established; a range top with a frying pan and a range top with a pot.The range top can be a commercially available electric, natural gas or propane or butane fired range top, or commercial range top burners allowing simulating different configurations.
Actuation sequence
For each sample subjected to test and for each tested hazard, proceed as follows:
- place the frying pan/pot on the burner where extinguishment is to be the most difficult;
- in case of testing the set range top and frying pan, place additionally, the pot adjacent to the frying pan on the burner where their extinguishment would be the most difficult
Gas broiler
Tested hazard
The tested hazard is a commercially available gas broiler, or a broiler constructed to simulate it.The broiler shall have a drip pan at least deep located below the heating source.
A plastic sheet, such as transparent film for food, is to be placed on the cooking surface and covered with semi solid grease. The plastic sheet/transparent film is to cover the cooking surface.NOTE The thickness and coverage of the semi solid grease applied to the surface of the cooking surface are the most important factors in this test. The quality of the beef whilst specified is less important.
Actuation sequence
For each sample subjected to test, proceed as follows:
- heat the broiler's radiant panels with the burners at maximum power;
- when they are hot enough to ignite the dropping grease, place the plastic surface with the steaks and grease on the broiler in their normal cooking position. The broiler will become quickly involved in flames;
- check the requirements established
Electric broiler
Tested hazard
The tested hazard is a commercially available electric broiler, or a broiler constructed to simulate it.Fuel
Use the same fuel indicated in gas radiant broilers.Actuation sequence
Follow the same actuation sequence indicated in for gas radiant broilers, except that the heat source is the integral to the electric broiler.
Lava, pumice or synthetic rock broiler
Tested hazard
The tested hazard is a commercially available lava, pumice or synthetic rock broiler, or a broiler constructed to simulate it.Fuel
Use the same fuel indicated in gas radiant broilers.Actuation sequence
Follow the same actuation sequence indicated in gas radiant broilers, except that the heat source is made of two overlapping layers of lava/pumice/synthetic rock instead of gas radiant panels.
Charcoal broiler
Tested hazard
The tested hazard is a commercially available charcoal broiler, or a broiler constructed to simulate it.Fuel
Use the same fuel indicated gas radiant broilers.Actuation sequence
For each sample subjected to test, proceed as follows: a) heat the charcoal until it is covered with ash;
Wood broiler
Tested hazard
The tested hazard is a commercially available wood broiler, or a broiler constructed to simulate it.Fuel
Use the same fuel indicated in charcoal broilers.Actuation sequence
Follow the same actuation sequence indicated in charcoal broilers, except that the heat source, instead of being charcoal, is made of overlapping layers of the same wood intended to be used, up to the maximum height specified in the broiler instructions or whichever is greater.
Upright broiler
Tested hazard
The tested hazard is a commercially available upright broiler, or a broiler constructed to simulate it.The broiling chamber shall be located at about the mid-height of the broiler and will incorporate a broiling grate.
Fill the drip pan with preheated grease.The inner surface of the broiling chamber, the air extract ducts and grease filters at the back of the broiler are coated with at least liquid grease.
Actuation sequence
For each sample subjected to test, proceed as follows:the grease in the drip pan and broiling chamber are ignited with a torch. This process usually requires two to three minutes; Once ignited the heat source is removed;
Chain broiler
Tested hazard
The tested hazard is a commercially available chain broiler, or a broiler constructed to simulate it. The bottom part of the broiling chamber shall be sloped and will have an opening to allow the drainage of the grease towards a drip pan that will be placed below the broiling chamber.Fuel
Fill the drip pan with preheated grease. The inner surface of the broiling chamber, the cooking area and grease filters are coated with at least, liquid grease. Move the conveyor chain to spray grease on its whole extension.Actuation sequence
For each sample subjected to test, proceed as follows:
- the grease in the drip pan and broiling chamber are fully ignited with the broiler’s heat source and/or a torch. This process usually requires two to three minutes.
Tested hazard
Two hazards are established; a minimum size wok specified in the system manual, and another of the maximum size. The size of a wok is determined based on its height and diameter.The heat source during the test is a commercially available electric, natural gas or propane or butane fired range top.
Fill the hazard with new oil until the oil surface is at mm from the top of the wok, with a minimum.Actuation sequence
For each sample subjected to test and for each tested hazard, proceed as follows:place the wok on the burner where extinguishment is to be the most difficult. When testing the minimum size wok, place the maximum size wok adjacent to the latter, on the burner where extinguishment is to be the most difficult;
heat continuously the oil in the wok object of the test with the burner heat source at maximum power until auto-ignition occurs;
Splash tests
Types of test
Two types of tests are defined:
- extinguishing splash test; and
- cooking temperature splash test.
Field of applicability of results
Splash tests refer only to those cooking appliances susceptible to project oil droplets, when agent is projected on them. This is the case of deep fat fryers, range tops and woks.
Test results and conclusions of the tests carried out on a type of hazard are not extendable to other types of hazards.
Extinguishing splash test
When performing an extinguishing splash test on any of the previously mentioned hazards, the following shall be complied with:
When performing an extinguishing splash test on any of the previously mentioned hazards, the extinguishing system shall not cause splashing of oil or mixed agent and oil droplets in excess of diameter further than from the edge of the cooking appliance.
Cooking temperature splash test
When performing a cooking temperature splash test on any of the previously mentioned hazards, there shall be no production of splashing of oil droplets, which implies that there shall not be oil spread out from the hazard, or around it.
Samples subjected to test
A splash test of each type shall be carried out on test samples with the following characteristics:
a system discharging the maximum quantity of extinguishing agent over the hazard with the maximum discharge flow per nozzle, with the hydraulically most favourable distribution network, and with the nozzles located at the minimum allowed height and with the orientation most likely to produce oil splashing;
Deep fat fryer extinguishing splash test
Tested hazard
The hazard to test is a deep fat fryer as described inFuel
Fill the hazard with oil according to that indicatedActuation sequence
Proceed as follows:
- set the heat source of the tested hazard at its maximum power setting;
- heat the oil until auto-ignition occurs;
- disconnect the heat source of the tested hazard;
- manually activate the extinguishing system;
Deep fat fryer cooking temperature splash test
Tested hazard
The hazard to test is a deep fat fryer as describedTo detect splashing, place a flat metallic sheet at the top level of the deep fat fryer around the front and
Fill the hazard with oil according to that indicated in but taking into account that the oil level shall not be more than below the top of the vat when it is between.Actuation sequence
Proceed as follows:
- start the heat source of the tested hazard;
- disconnect the heat source of the tested hazard;
- remove the metallic sheet with the sodium bicarbonate to prevent foaming from contaminating the results;
Range top extinguishing splash test
Tested hazard
The hazard to test is a range top on which a frying pan is placed as describedFuel
Fill the hazard with oil according to that indicatedActuation sequence
Proceed as follows:
- place the frying pan on the burner where the splashing hazard is greater;
- manually activate the extinguishing system;
Range top cooking temperature splash test
Tested hazard
The hazard to test is a range top on which a frying pan is placed, as describedFuel
Fill the hazard with oil according to that indicated in but taking into account that the oil level shall not be more than 5 mm below the top of the frying pan when it isActuation sequence
Proceed as follows:
- place the frying pan on the burner where the splashing hazard is greater;
- disconnect the heat source of the tested hazard;
- manually activate the extinguishing system and allow it to discharge between 3 s to 5 s;
- remove the metallic sheet with the sodium bicarbonate, if it is considered that foaming may contaminate the results;
Wok extinguishing splash test
Tested hazard
The hazards to test are those described inActuation sequence
For each of the two hazards proceed as follows:
- place the wok on the burner where the splashing hazard is greater;
- heat the oil inside the wok with the burner’s heat source at maximum power until auto-ignition occurs;
- disconnect the heat source of the tested hazard;
- manually activate the extinguishing system;
- check the requirements established
Wok cooking temperature splash test
Tested hazard
To detect splashing, place a flat metallic sheet at the top level of the wok around the front and sides at least wide around the cooking appliance and mark on the sheet a distance of around the edge of the cooking appliance.Fuel
Fill the hazard with oil according to that indicated, but taking into account that the oil level shall not be more than.Actuation sequence
For each of the two hazards proceed as follows:
- place the wok on the burner where the splashing hazard is greater;
- remove the metallic sheet with the sodium bicarbonate, if it is considered that foaming may contaminate the results;
- check the requirements established
Hood and air extract duct entrance
The aim of the test is to determine if the installed system will extinguish a fire in the hood and air extract duct system above the protected appliances and prevent the spread of the fire.
Types of test
Three types of tests are defined with different air flow conditions:
- full scale test with natural air exhaustion (air extract duct outlet open);
- full scale test without air exhaustion (air extract duct outlet closed);
- full scale test with forced air exhaustion with a blower.
Field of applicability of results
The field of applicability of results of each test is limited to the tested configuration with the following extensions:
- rectangular cross section air extract ducts or round air extract ducts with equal to or less perimeter than the tested one, if the test has been carried out on a rectangular air extract duct;
- circular cross section air extract ducts with equal to or less perimeter than the tested one, if the test has been carried out on a round air extract duct;
When performing a full scale test, the following shall be complied with.
- after the complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the flames in the tested hazard shall be fully extinguished, evidenced by the sharp decrease in temperature. Self-extinguishing small residual flames after the end of the discharge shall not be taken into account;
Samples subjected to test
Full scale tests shall be carried out on test samples with the following characteristics:
- a representative system for the tested hazard discharging the minimum quantity of extinguishing agent over the hazard with the minimum discharge flow per nozzle, with the hydraulically most unfavourable distribution network, and with the nozzles located and oriented at the positions considered the most unfavourable for extinguishment, in maximum coverage conditions. The most unfavourably conditions are as defined in the system manual;
Tested hazard
The hazard to test is a cooking vapour exhaust system comprised of hood, filter, air extract duct, damper and exhaust blower with a deep fat fryer placed below it.
The hood shall be made of sheet metal of 1 mm minimum rated thickness.
A different and specific configuration may be used for the tested system.
Air extract duct
The air extract duct shall have the following characteristics:
- it can be rectangular or circular depending on the system specifications and the use it is intended for;
- in the case of rectangular air extract ducts, the ratio between both sides shall be
1 (vertical) :2 (horizontal) (±10 %);
Damper and exhaust blower
At the outlet of the air extract duct, a damper and an exhaust blower shall be placed, capable of ensuring the required air flow through the filters and air extract duct during the test.
Deep fat fryer
The deep fat fryer used for this test shall be as specified in cooking area equal to the maximum covered by the system.The deep fat fryer is placed under the hood, being wholly below it and directly below the air extract duct entrance.
The distance between the deep fat fryer and the hood is the most convenient to the development of the test.
Fuel in the hood, filters and air extract duct
The fuel may be melted animal fat or vegetable oil with antifoaming agent.
The fuel shall be heated until it liquefies and introduced in a vessel equipped with a sprayer that permits to uniformly coat the inside surfaces of the air extract duct and plenum and filters.
The fuel in the filters may be applied by spraying, dipping or spreading solid grease onto each filter, as convenient.
Fuel in the deep fat fryer
The fuel is new vegetable oil with antifoaming agent.
Plenum extinguishing tests
Types of test
Just one test is defined with forced air exhaustion with a blower as defined.Field of applicability of results
The field of applicability of the results of each test is limited to plenums of equal or lower size to the tested one.Requirements
When performing the test, the same requirements specified for full scale tests shall be complied with.Samples subjected to test
Full scale tests shall be carried out on test samples of the same characteristics specified for full scale tests.Tested hazard
The hazard to test is the same specified in full scale tests.Fuel
The necessary fuel is the same specified in full scale tests, but applied only in the plenum zone.
Agent distribution test
The aim of the test is to determine the amount of agent to be used in each of the fire tests.
Regardless of the agent, it should be ensured that sufficient agent is available at each nozzle, including the most hydraulically remote.
Preparation of the test installation
- Install the system and pipeline in accordance with the system manual;
- for nozzles with different flow capacities, they should be installed with the most difficult and longest possible pipeline allowed in the system manual;
Agent distribution test
- Discharge the system manually;
- the flow of agent to all nozzles should start simultaneously and the discharge shall be without interruption;
Test report
The test report shall be as comprehensive as possible and shall include any observation made during the test and comments on any difficulty experienced during the test. The units for all measurements shall be clearly indicated in the report.
The following essential information, as applicable, shall be given in the test report as well: a) the reference to this document;
- the name and address of the test laboratory;
- the name and address of the sponsor;
- the name and address of the manufacturer/supplier;
- the trade reference;
- the general description of the system;
- the date of the test: