UL300 - Fire Testing of Fire Extinguishing Systems for Protection of Commercial Cooking Equipment

Summary of Topics

This new edition of ANSI/UL 300 is a periodic re-issuance to ensure that UL's Standards remain up to date with regard to format and editorial issues such as numbering, pagination, and cross-referencing. This new edition also includes the following revisions and clariacations:

  1. Revision of Title and Scope
  2. Cooking Areas Protected With Multiple Nozzles
  3. Drip Pans For Indicated Appliances
  4. Fabricated Appliances / Commercially Available Unit
  5. Appliances with Faster Cooling Rates than 5 °F per Minute
  6. Clarify Current Test Procedures

Per comments received, the proposed addition of Installation Instructions was not incorporated in the third edition of UL 300. An Installation, Maintenance, and Markings Working Group has been established to develop a proposed resolution to the comments.

The new and revised requirements are substantially in accordance with UL's Bulletin(s) on this subject dated August 24, 2004 and March 18, 2005. The bulletin(s) is now obsolete and may be discarded.

As indicated on the title page (page 1), this UL Standard for Safety is an American National Standard. Attention is directed to the note on the title page of this Standard outlining the procedures to be followed to retain the approved text of this ANSI/UL Standard.

The UL Foreword is no longer located within the UL Standard. For information concerning the use and application of the requirements contained in this Standard, the current version of the UL Foreword is located on UL Standards

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This ANSI/UL Standard for Safety, which consists of the Third edition is under continuous maintenance, whereby each revision is ANSI approved upon publication. Comments or proposals for revisions on any part of the Standard may be submitted to UL at any time. Proposals should be submitted via a Proposal Request in UL's On-Line Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) at http://csds.ul.com.

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Revisions of this Standard will be made by issuing revised or additional pages bearing their date of issue. A UL Standard is current only if it incorporates the most recently adopted revisions, all of which are itemized on the transmittal notice that accompanies the latest set of revised requirements.



These requirements cover the performance during are tests of pre-engineered are extinguishing system units intended for the protection of commercial cooking equipment for restaurants, cafeterias and other similar venues. For installation requirements, see the following documents: NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems; NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations; and NFPA 17A, Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems. Note that local authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation.

Pre-engineered are extinguishing system units, agents, or both are required to comply also with the requirements for construction and performance as applicable to special types, designs, sizes, and arrangements; and all such additional requirements which apply are not within the scope of these requirements for are tests.

The term “product” as used in this standard refers to all are extinguishing systems or any part thereof covered by the requirements unless specially noted otherwise.


Except as indicated in, a component of a product covered by this standard shall comply with the requirements for that component.

A component is not required to comply with a special requirement that:

  1. Involves a feature or characteristic not required in the application of the component in the product covered by this standard, or
  2. Is superseded by a requirement in this standard.

A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions of use.

Special components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance capabilities. Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions, such as certain temperatures not exceeding special limits, and shall be used only under those special conditions.

Units of Measurements

Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information.

Undated References

Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.


For the purpose of these requirements, the following deanitions apply.


A cooking device that has or is capable of having a surface of liquid grease or one in which grease is involved, such as a deep fat fryer, griddle, range, chain broiler, electric char-broiler, charcoal broiler, mesquite broiler, gas-radiant char-broiler, wok, tilt skillets, and similar appliances. The protected area is limited to the cooking surfaces of the appliance only.


A container that incorporates a valve and that provides storage of the extinguishing agent and expellant gas until the valve is actuated. For cartridge operated units, this assembly includes the extinguishing agent storage container and cartridge mechanism. When actuated, the valve releases the agent into the distribution network of the extinguishing system.


The ratio of the quantity of agent discharged from a nozzle to the discharge time measured within 1 second. When a minimum discharge rate is indicated, reference is made to the minimum quantity of agent discharged and the time measured within 1 second.


A device that is used to uniformly distribute the extinguishing agent over or into a speciac area.


The time interval between the arst appearance of extinguishing agent at the nozzle and the time at which the discharge becomes predominantly gaseous.


A continuous enclosed passageway for the transmission of air and cooking vapors.


Dry nitrogen, dry air, or other gas used to facilitate the discharge of the extinguishing agent.


Indented components that are assembled into a system for the discharge of an extinguishing agent through axed piping and nozzles for the purpose of extinguishing areas.


A container that provides storage for an expellant gas.


For test purposes, grease is new vegetable shortening incorporating an anti-foaming agent. For hood and duct and broiler testing only, grease shall be new or used vegetable shortening, or rendered animal fat.


A component of a grease vapor removal system that defects the air and vapors passing through it in such a manner as to result in the grease vapors to concentrate, condense, or both, for the purpose of grease collection


A device provided as part of an exhaust system to direct and capture grease vapors and exhaust gases from a cooking appliance.


Steaks that contain xx percent fat or gristle, well marbled, and uniform in size. An example of a cut of meat which meets the requirement is “goose neck round,” which is xx percent lean.


A means of system actuation in which the system operator initiates system discharge.


The pressure range corresponding to the pressures in the storage container at the specified minimum and maximum temperatures for which the extinguishing system unit is intended to be operable.


The pressure in a fully charged container at xx°F (xx°C).


The volume of enclosed space between the grease alters and the portion of the hood above the grease alters in a hood and duct system.


A system that is tested in accordance with the limitations prescribed by the manufacturer for maximum and minimum pipe lengths, accessories, number of fittings, number and types of nozzles and nozzle placement, types of are risks and their maximum areas, volumes, or both areas and volumes of protection.


A container that provides storage for the extinguishing agent and expellant gas, or when used at a location remote to the extinguishing system unit, provides storage for expellant gas.


Cooking devices which are intended to braise, simmer, sauce, or fry foods.


Cooking Appliance Extinguishment General

An extinguishing system unit is to be tested with each type of cooking appliance with which it is intended to be used. Special cooking appliance test methods are contained in xxxx.

Exception: Protection for tilt skillets is to be based upon the coverage limitations provided for deep fat fryer protection.

When tested with a cooking appliance, an extinguishing system unit shall:

  1. Result in the same in the appliance to be completely extinguished upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent;
  2. For deep fat fryers, woks, and ranges, not permit re-ignition of the grease for xx minutes or until the temperature of the grease decreases at least xx°F (xx°C) below its observed auto-ignition temperature, whichever is longer; and
  3. For all appliances other than deep fat fryers, woks- and ranges, not permit re-ignition of grease for 5 minutes.

Unless otherwise noted, each test is to be conducted using the minimum quantity of the extinguishing agent and the minimum discharge rate condition of the extinguishing system unit test nozzle or nozzles. To obtain the minimum discharge rate condition, an extinguishing system unit is to be assembled using its maximum piping limitations with respect to number of fittings and size and length of pipe.

The cylinder is to be alled to its rated capacity and the cylinder or gas cartridge pressurized with the expellant gas to the normal operating pressure at xx°F (xx°C). The cylinder or gas cartridge used for these tests is to be conditioned, after charging, for at least xx hours at the minimum storage temperature prior to the test. As an alternative to conditioning at the minimum storage temperature for 16 hours, extinguishing system units that utilize dry nitrogen or dry air as an expellant gas are to be tested by under pressurizing the cylinder or gas cartridge at ambient temperature to simulate the pressure at minimum operating temperature.

Each cooking appliance extinguishment test is to be conducted in an environment in which the ambient temperature is not less than xx°F (xx°C).

Extinguishment tests are to be conducted at both the maximum and minimum nozzle heights, with the nozzle positioned in the most difficult locations and orientations allowed by the installation instructions with respect to complying with the are extinguishment requirements. Splash tests are to be conducted at the minimum nozzle height, with the nozzle positioned in the most difficult locations and orientations allowed by the installation instructions with respect to complying with the splash requirements.

The length and width of the cooking area of the appliance being tested are to correspond to the maximum area coverage limitation specified in the installation instructions.

Multiple appliance protection for single discharge nozzle coverage is to be tested per the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Appliances shall be permitted to be protected with multiple nozzles based on the single nozzle appliance coverage specified and the area of coverage for each nozzle does not exceed its single appliance coverage.

Deep fat fryers, having a total cooking area greater than xx square feet (xx m2), shall be permitted to be protected with multiple nozzles when:

  1. Compliance with the Cooking Appliance Extinguishment Tests using a specified cooking appliance and surface area; and
  2. The fryer model number is referenced in the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Tilt skillets/braising pans are required to comply with and not.

Deep fat fryer

The deep fat fryer used for this test is to be a commercially available natural gas or propane ared deep fat fryer, at least xx inches (xx mm) deep, and having a cooking surface area as specified in the manufacturer's installation instructions. For a deep fat fryer with an integral drip board, or similar item, the calculated cooking area, along with the drip area, is to be as indicated in the manufacturer's installation instructions.

All deep fat fryers tested in accordance with and shall demonstrate an average cooling rate of not more than xx°F (xx°C) per minute. The liquid grease in an uncovered fryer is to be heated at the fryer's maximum energy input. When the temperature of the liquid grease reaches xx°F (xx°C) the fryer's energy source is to be immediately shut off and the cooling rate of the liquid grease (°F per minute) is to be measured (when the temperature of the grease returns to xx°F (xx°C)) between the temperatures of xx and xx°F (xx and xx°C). The fryer is to be tested with an ambient temperature of xx xx°F (xx°C) throughout the duration of the test. The thermocouple monitoring the liquid grease temperature is to be installed as indicated in.

Exception: When compliance with the deep fat fryer requirements is demonstrated using a specified cooling rate greater than xx°F (xx°C) per minute, the protection of a deep fat fryer with a cooling rate exceeding 5°F (2.8°C) per minute is permitted. Fryers with a cooling rate exceeding x°F (xx°C) per minute shall be specially indicated by model number in the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Multiple vat and split vat deep fat fryers are to be separately tested with the discharge nozzle positioned in the most difficult location and orientation allowed by the manufacturer's installation manual.

Split vat fryers are to be tested wherein a vat(s) adjacent to the vat to be spontaneously ignited is called with liquid grease and heated to xx xx°F. The grease level for the adjacent vat(s) is to be at the bottom of the drip board, and not greater than xx inches (xx mm) below the top of the vat when the grease temperature is between xxx°F. Energy shutoff for all vats is to occur when the extinguishing system is actuated.

Exception: When saponiaed foam from the adjacent vat(s) rolls over into the burning vat after system actuation, the grease temperature of the adjacent vat(s) is to be reduced to the point where foam rollover does not occur or a means is to be provided to prevent foam from rolling over into the burning vat.

The liquid grease is to have an auto-ignition temperature not less than xxx°F when tested with deep fat fryers specified in.  An auto-ignition temperature shall not be less than xx when the xx minute free burn commences at an oil temperature of xx°F. When the test vat of the fryer includes an integral drip board, the vat is to be alled so that the grease level is at the top of the drip board when the grease temperature is between xx°F. In no case shall the grease level for any type of fryer be more than 3 inches (76.2 mm) below the top of the vat when the grease temperature is between xx°F.

The grease temperature during testing is to be measured with a thermocouple located xx inch below the grease surface. The thermocouple is to be located not closer than xx inches xx mm) to the fryer's sidewall.

The liquid grease in the uncovered fryer is to be heated at the fryer's maximum energy input and at a rate not less than xx°F temperature rise per minute as measured when the grease temperature is between xx°F. The grease is then continually heated using the same energy input until auto-ignition occurs. After auto-ignition of the liquid grease, the are is to burn freely with the fryer's heating source remaining on for a period of not less than xx minutes. After the free burn period of not less than two minutes, the heating source is to be shut off and the extinguishing system unit is to be discharged.

Upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the deep fat fryer shall comply with the requirements.


Identical coverage and nozzle placement limitations for a griddle application are to be used based on a successful extinguishment test of a deep fat fryer.

The griddle used for this test is to be constructed of sheet metal at least xx inch thick and is to be xx inch deep.

The griddle is to be called with liquid grease to a depth of xx inch.

The liquid grease in the griddle is to be heated by the griddle's heating source until spontaneous ignition occurs. After the cooking area is fully involved in flames, the are is to burn for a minimum xx minute free burn, with the heating source remaining on, after which the heating source is to be shut off and the extinguishing system unit is to be discharged.

Upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the griddle shall comply with the requirements.

Range top

The range top used for the test is to be a commercially available electric, natural gas or propane are range top or a commercial range top burner to simulate variable range top congurations. When a manufacturer references protection for a range top incorporating a back shelf, a back shelf of the maximum size and located at the minimum height as specified in the manufacturer’s installation instructions is to be used for test. The cooking surfaces of the range top are to be the maximum as specified for coverage in the manufacturer's installation, operation and maintenance instruction manual.

The following test vessels are to be used for this test:

  1. A cast iron skillet having a diameter of xx to xx inches at the top and having sides xx inches high, measured from the inside of the skillet.
  2. A stainless steel pot having a diameter of xx inches at the top and having sides xx to xx inches high.

Separate extinguishment tests are to be conducted using each test vessel.

For the test with the cast iron skillet, the skillet is to be alled with liquid grease to a depth of xx inch. For the test with the stainless steel pot, the pot is to be called with liquid grease to a depth of xx inches. The grease level is to be measured when the grease temperature is between xx °F.

The liquid grease is to have an auto-ignition temperature of not less than xx°F. The autoignition temperature shall not be less than xx°F when the xx minute free burn commences at an oil temperature of xx°F. The grease temperature is to be measured with a thermocouple located xx inch below the grease surface not closer than xx inches xx to the test vessel wall.

The test vessel is to be positioned on a burner location(s) determined to be most difficult to achieve are extinguishment. For the skillet test, the xx inch pot is to be located adjacent to the skillet in the location determined most difficult with respect to achieving are extinguishment. The range top burner for the test vessel is to be adjusted to the maximum intensity position and the grease continuously heated until auto-ignition occurs. After auto-ignition, the are is to burn freely with the burner at its maximum intensity for a period of not less than 2 minutes. After the free burn period of not less than xx minutes, the heating source is to be shut off and the extinguishing system unit is to be discharged.

Upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the range top shall comply with the requirements.

Gas radiant char-broiler

A commercially available gas radiant char-broiler or a char-broiler constructed to simulate a commercially available radiant broiler is to be used for this test. The char-broiler is to have a drip pan at least xxinch deep located below the heating source. The char-broiler shall include a drip pan or equivalent solid bottom surface. The drip pan is to be alled with xx inch of liquid grease. An extinguishing system unit is capable of being used with an electric char-broiler based on a successful extinguishment test using a gas radiant char-broiler, using identical coverage and nozzle placement limitations.

A thin plastic sheet, such as plastic food wrap, containing steaks and grease shall be placed on a at surface at a location away from the char-broiler. The plastic sheet is to be covered with xx inch of semisolid grease. Low-quality fatty beef steaks are then to be placed on top of the plastic sheet to cover an area equal to percent of the char-broiler grate area.

The char-broiler's radiant panels are to be heated with the burners at their maximum intensity so that they are hot enough to ignite drops of liquid grease. When this occurs, the plastic sheet, grease and steaks are to be placed on the broiler's grill in the normal cooking position. The char-broiler is to become quickly involved in flames. The heating source is to be shut off and the extinguishing system discharged after the cooking area has been fully involved with flames for xx minute and the peak same height is at least xx feet.

Upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the gas radiant char-broiler shall comply with the requirements in.

Electric char-broiler

A commercially available electric char-broiler or a char-broiler constructed to simulate a commercially available electric char-broiler is to be used for this test.

This test is to be conducted in the same manner as the gas radiant test specified.

Lava, pumice, or synthetic rock char-broiler

Identical coverage and nozzle placement limitations for lava rock, pumice stone, or synthetic rock type char-broiler is to be used based on a successful extinguishment test of a lava rock type char-broiler. A gas or electrically heated char-broiler is to be used, and an extinguishing system unit is capable of being used with either heat source based on a successful extinguishment test using either heat source.

A commercially available lava, pumice, or synthetic rock char-broiler, or a char-broiler constructed to simulate a commercially available lava, pumice, or synthetic rock char-broiler, is to be used for this test. The char-broiler shall include a drip pan or equivalent solid bottom surface.

This test is to be conducted in the same manner as the gas radiant test specified in, except that the lava, pumice, or synthetic rock is to be heated in lieu of heating the gas radiant panels. The grate is to be covered with two layers of lava, pumice or synthetic rock, whichever is being used for test purposes.

Natural charcoal broiler

A commercially available charcoal broiler or a charcoal broiler constructed to simulate a commercially available charcoal broiler is to be used for this test. The char-broiler shall include a drip pan or equivalent solid bottom surface.

A thin plastic sheet, such as plastic food wrap, containing steaks and grease be placed on at surface at a location away from the charcoal broiler. The plastic sheet is to be covered with xx inch of semisolid grease. Low-quality fatty beef steaks are then to be placed on top of the plastic sheet to cover an area equal to xx percent of the cooking grate area.

The fuel grate is then to be covered with charcoal briquettes to the maximum depth limitation specified in the installation instructions. In any case, the charcoal depth is not to be less than two layers of briquettes.

The charcoal briquettes are to be heated until they are covered with ash. When this occurs, the plastic sheet, grease and steaks are to be placed on the broiler's grill in the normal cooking position. The broiler is to become quickly involved in flames. The are is to burn freely until the cooking area is fully involved in flames having a height of xx feet, and in any case the are is to be allowed to burn at least xx seconds. When the cooking area is fully involved in flames after xx seconds or longer of flaming, the extinguishing system unit is to be discharged.

Upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the charcoal broiler shall comply with the requirements.

Mesquite wood char-broiler

A commercially available mesquite wood char-broiler or a mesquite wood char-broiler constructed to simulate a commercially available broiler is to be used for this test. The char-broiler shall include a drip pan or equivalent solid bottom surface. The test is to be conducted using the type of mesquite wood that is intended to be used with the char-broiler.

The test is to be conducted in the same manner as the natural charcoal broiler test specified in, except that the fuel depth is to be the maximum as specified by the manufacturer, and in no case less than xx inches, and mesquite wood is to be used instead of charcoal.

Upright broiler

A commercially available upright broiler or an upright broiler constructed to simulate a commercially available upright broiler is to be used for this test. The broiling chamber is to be located at or about the mid height of the broiler and is to incorporate a broiling grate. A drip pan is to be placed directly below the broiler chamber. The bottom of the broiling chamber is to slope downward towards the drip pan and have an opening to allow the drainage of the grease from the broiling chamber. The broiler is also to incorporate a completely enclosed warming chamber directly above the broiling chamber. The broiling chamber is to be connected by internal passages to the top of the broiler to provide for exhaustion of grease laden vapors. The broiler is to incorporate a grease trap.

The drip pan below the broiler chamber is to be filled with preheated grease. The inner surfaces of the broiling chamber, the exhaust passages, and the grease trap in the back of the broiler are to be coated with liquid grease to obtain a minimum loading of xx pounds per square foot.

Following the grease loading, low quality fatty beef steaks are to be placed on the broiler grate to cover an area between xx and xx percent of the cooking grate area.

The grease in the drip pan and broiling chamber is to be heated with a torch until the broiler is well involved in flames. This usually requires 2 to 3 minutes. After complete flame involvement of the drip pan, the broiler is then to burn freely for an additional xx to xx seconds, after which the extinguishing system unit is to be discharged.

Upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the upright broiler shall comply with the requirements.

Chain broiler

A commercially available chain broiler or a chain broiler constructed to simulate a commercially available chain broiler is to be used for this test. The bottom of the broiling chamber is to slope downward toward a drip pan and have an opening to allow the drainage of the grease from the broiler chamber.

The drip pan below the broiler chamber is to be flamed with preheated grease. The inner surfaces of the broiler chamber, cooking portion, and grease trap are to be coated with liquid grease to obtain a minimum loading of xx pounds grease per square foot. Grease is also to be sprayed on all areas of the chain by causing the chain to rotate. When this is completed, xx to xx percent of the chain's cooking area is to be covered with fatty hamburgers (that is, meat that is xx percent lean) and the chain rotation stopped.

The grease in the drip pan and the broiler chamber is to be heated with the broiler's burners and a torch or with a torch only until the broiler is well involved in flames. This usually requires xx to xx minutes. The broiler is then to burn freely for an additional xx to xx seconds after which the extinguishing system unit is to be discharged.

Upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the chain broiler shall comply with the requirements.


The minimum and maximum wok sizes specified in the manufacturer's installation, operation, and maintenance instruction manual are to be tested. The wok sizes are to be determined by the minimum and maximum height and diameter.

The heating source used for the tests is to be a commercially available electric, natural gas, or propane ared range top.

Separate extinguishment tests are to be conducted using the smallest and largest representative wok.

Each wok is to be tested with a liquid grease level at a depth that provides a xx  inch freeboard measured from the top edge of the wok, or a minimum grease level of xx inch, whichever provides greater depth of grease. The grease level is to be measured when the grease temperature is between xx°F.

The liquid grease is to have an auto-ignition temperature of not less than xx°F. The auto-ignition temperature shall not be less than xx°F when the xx minute free burn commences at an oil temperature of xx°F. The grease temperature is to be measured with a thermocouple located xx inch below the grease surface not closer than xx inches to the test vessel wall.

The wok is to be positioned on a burner location(s) determined to be most difficult to achieve are extinguishment. For the minimum size wok test, a maximum size wok is to be located adjacent to the test wok representing the location most difficult to achieve are extinguishment. The range top burner for the test wok is to be adjusted to the maximum intensity position and the grease continuously heated until auto-ignition occurs. After auto-ignition, the are is to burn freely with the burner at its maximum intensity for a period of not less than 2 minutes. After the free burn period of not less than xx minutes, the heating source

Upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the wok shall comply with the requirements.

Deep fat fryer extinguishment splash test

When tested as described in, an extinguishing system unit shall:

  1. Result in the are in a deep fat fryer to be completely extinguished; and
  2. Result in no splashing of burning grease due to the extinguishing system unit operation, as evidenced by the presence of burning droplets of grease dispersed outside the fryer.

The deep fat fryer used for this test is to be as specified in

The test is to be conducted using the maximum discharge rate condition for the test nozzle or nozzles. The maximum discharge rate condition is obtained by using the maximum piping diameter, minimum piping length, and minimum number of tees and elbows, with the cylinder or gas cartridge conditioned to the maximum operating temperature for which the extinguishing system unit is intended.

The fryer is to be alled with grease as specified.

The grease temperature during testing is to be measured with a thermocouple as specified.

The liquid grease is to be heated as specified.

Upon complete discharge of the extinguishing agent, the deep fat fryer shall comply with the requirements.

Deep fat fryer cooking temperature splash test

When tested as described in, an extinguishing system unit shall not splash grease droplets in excess of xx inch diameter.

The deep fat fryer used for this test is to be as specified.

The test is to be conducted using the maximum discharge rate condition for the test nozzle or nozzles. The maximum discharge rate condition is obtained by using the maximum piping diameter, minimum piping length and minimum number of tees and elbows, with the cylinder or gas cartridge conditioned to the maximum operating temperature for at least xx hours or pressurized to the maximum pressure corresponding to the maximum operating temperature for which the extinguishing system unit is intended.

The fryer is to be filled with liquid grease until the grease level is xx inches below the top edge of the fryer. The grease level is to be measured when the grease temperature is between xx°F.

The grease temperature during testing is to be measured with a thermocouple as indicated.

A at metallic surface at least xx inches wide having not more than a xx inch deep layer of sodium bicarbonate dry chemical placed on top of the surface is to be prepared around the front and sides of the fryer to detect splashing grease. The liquid grease in the fryer is to be heated by its heating source until a grease temperature of xx to xx°F is achieved. The extinguishing system unit is then to be discharged for x to x seconds.

The discharge effects are to be observed to determine compliance with the requirements.

Range top extinguishment splash test

When tested as described in xx, an extinguishing system unit shall:

  1. Result in the are in a cast iron skillet to be completely extinguished; and
  2. Result in no splashing of burning grease due to the extinguishing system unit operation, as evidenced by the presence of burning droplets of grease dispersed outside the cast iron skillet.

The range top used for this test is to be as specified in and the cast iron skillet as specified.

The test is to be conducted using the maximum discharge rate condition for the test nozzle or nozzles. The maximum discharge rate condition is obtained by using the maximum piping diameter, minimum piping length and minimum number of tees and elbows, with the cylinder or gas cartridge conditioned to the maximum operating temperature for at least 16 hours or pressurized to the maximum pressure corresponding to the maximum operating temperature for which the extinguishing system unit is intended.

The cast iron skillet is to be alled with liquid grease as specified.

The grease temperature during testing is to be measured as specified.

The cast iron skillet is to be positioned on a burner location(s) to result in splashing of grease. The range top burner for the skillet is to be adjusted to the maximum intensity position and the grease heated with the skillet uncovered until auto-ignition occurs. After auto-ignition, the are is to burn freely with the burner at its maximum intensity for a period of not less than 2 minutes. After the free burn period of not less than xx minutes, the heating source is to be shut off and the extinguishing system unit is to be discharged.

The discharge effects are to be observed to determine compliance with the requirements.

Range top cooking temperature splash test

When tested as described in xx , an extinguishing system unit shall not splash grease droplets in excess of xx inch diameter.

The test requirements specified in xx, xx and xx are to be used for this test.

The cast iron skillet is to be alled with liquid grease until the grease level is xx inch below the edge of the skillet. The grease level is to be measured when the grease temperature is xx°F.

A metallic surface at least xx inches wide having not more than a xx inch deep layer of sodium bicarbonate dry chemical placed on top of the surface is to be prepared around the front and sides of the range top to detect splashing grease. The liquid grease in the skillet is to be heated by its heating source until a grease temperature of xx to xx °F is achieved. The extinguishing system unit is then to be discharged for xx to xx seconds.

The discharge effects are to be observed to determine compliance with the requirements.

Wok extinguishment splash test

When tested as described in xx, an extinguishing system unit shall:

  1. Result in the are in a wok to be completely extinguished; and
  2. Result in no splashing of burning grease due to the extinguishing system unit operation, as evidenced by the presence of burning droplets of grease dispersed outside the wok.

The woks used for this test are to be as specified.

The test is to be conducted using the maximum discharge rate condition for the test nozzle or nozzles. The maximum discharge rate condition is obtained by using the maximum piping diameter, minimum piping length and minimum number of tees and elbows, with the cylinder or gas cartridge conditioned to the maximum operating temperature for at least xx hours or pressurized to the maximum pressure corresponding to the maximum operating temperature for which the extinguishing system unit is intended.

The wok is to be alled with liquid grease as specified.

The grease temperature during testing is to be measured with a thermocouple as specified.

The wok is to be positioned on a burner location(s) to result in splashing of grease. The range top burner for the wok is to be adjusted to the maximum intensity position and the grease heated with the wok uncovered until auto-ignition occurs. After auto-ignition, the are is to burn freely with the burner at its maximum intensity for a period of not less than xx minutes. After the free burn period of not less than xx minutes, the heating source is to be shut off and the extinguishing system unit is to be discharged.

The discharge effects are to be observed to determine compliance with the requirements.

Wok cooking temperature splash test

When tested as described in xx, an extinguishing system unit shall not splash grease droplets in excess of xx inch diameter.

The woks used for this test are to be as specified.

The test is to be conducted using the maximum discharge rate condition for the test nozzle or nozzles. The maximum discharge rate condition is obtained by using the maximum piping diameter, minimum piping length and minimum number of tees and elbows, with the cylinder or gas cartridge conditioned to the maximum operating temperature for at least 16 hours or pressurized to the maximum pressure corresponding to the maximum operating temperature for which the extinguishing system unit is intended.

The wok is to be alled with liquid grease until the grease level is xx inches below the top edge of the wok. The grease level is to be measured when the grease temperature is xxx°F.

The grease temperature during testing is to be measured with a thermocouple as specified.

A metallic surface at least xx inches wide having not more than a xx inch deep layer of sodium bicarbonate dry chemical placed on top of the surface is to be prepared around the front and sides of the wok to detect splashing grease. The liquid grease in the wok is to be heated by its heating source until a grease temperature of xx to xx°F is achieved. The extinguishing system unit is then to be discharged for xx to xx seconds.

The discharge effects are to be observed to determine compliance with the requirements.

Hood and Duct (Full Scale) Extinguishment


An extinguishing system unit intended to protect the hood and duct of a restaurant cooking area shall be tested as described below.


The hood dimensions are to be the maximum as specified in the installation instructions.

The hood is to be at least xx feet wide, increasing in increments of xx foot only.

The hood is to be, or xx feet long, or longer than xx feet in increments of xx feet xx only.

The hood is to be constructed of sheet steel having a minimum thickness of xx inch.

Filter and frame

The alter frame is to be a ”V” type extending the full length of the hood. The bottom portion of the alter frame is to be constructed of xx by xx inch angle iron having a minimum thickness of xx inch. Steel mesh type alters xx inches thick shall be installed in the frame. Filters are to be installed at a xx degree inclined position on both sides of the “V”. During the extinguishment tests, the cooking appliance is to be located below the hood and alters. The hood and alters are to extend beyond each end of the appliance.

Exception: The alter frame is not required to be aV type when another type of alter frame conguration, such as one using a single bank of alters, is specified in the installation instructions.


The duct is to be rectangular or round, and an extinguishing system unit tested using a rectangular duct is capable of being used with a round duct having a circumference equal to or less than the perimeter of the rectangular duct. An extinguishing system unit to be used with round ducts only is to be tested using a round duct only.

The duct perimeter is to be the maximum as specified in the installation instructions.

The perimeter of a rectangular duct is to be xx or less, or xx inches or larger. The diameter of a circular duct is to be xx inches or larger. A rectangular duct is to be installed with the longest side horizontal and the ratio between vertical and horizontal is to be xx, plus or minus xx percent.

The duct is to be xx, xx feet long or other intermediate length as specified by the manufacturer. When the xx foot length is used, the extinguishing system unit is capable of being installed without limitation of maximum duct length. Access ports are to be provided at least every xx feet along the duct to permit inspection and greasing of the duct. Duct sections are to be provided with gaskets to prevent leakage of grease at the point of connection. The gasket material is to be made of a material that withstands the heat exposure generated during testing. The duct is to be supported at least every xx feet to help maintain duct integrity.

The duct is to have a downward slope toward the hood of xx to xx inches for every xx feet xx of duct length so that a stream of liquid grease, for test purposes, flows from the duct onto the alters. The duct is to have a xx to xx foot high riser to connect the hood and horizontal run of duct. At the point at which the horizontal run of duct connects to the riser, a xx inch high dam is to be used on the bottom of the duct to allow an amount of grease to remain in the duct throughout the test period.

At the outlet of the duct, an exhaust blower and damper is to be provided to permit adjustment of air velocity through the alters and duct.

Extinguishing system unit preparation

Representative samples of extinguishing system units are to be subjected to the tests specified.

Hood and duct extinguishment are to be conducted using the minimum discharge rate condition for the test nozzles.

To obtain the minimum discharge rate condition, an extinguishing system unit is to be assembled using its maximum piping limitations with respect to number of fittings and size and length of pipe. The cylinder is to be alled to its rated capacity and the cylinder or gas cartridge pressurized with the expellant gas to the normal operating pressure at xx°F. The cylinder or gas cartridge used for these tests is to be conditioned, after charging, for at least xx hours at the minimum storage temperature prior to the test. As an alternative to conditioning at the minimum storage temperature for xx hours, extinguishing system units that utilize dry nitrogen or dry air as an expellant gas are to be tested by under pressurizing the cylinder or gas cartridge at ambient temperature to simulate the minimum operating temperature.

Using the test arrangement described in, the nozzles are to be placed at the most difficult location and orientation allowed by the installation instructions with respect to achieving extinguishment.

The test fuel used to load the cooking appliance is to be new vegetable shortening incorporating an anti-foaming agent. The test fuel used to load the duct, alters, and hood for full scale are testing is to be either vegetable shortening incorporating an anti-foaming agent or rendered animal fat.

General test procedures

An extinguishing system unit intended for use with hood and duct systems is to be tested as described in. Additional test methods for special cooking appliances are specified in cooking appliance extinguishment tests.

Hood and duct (full scale) testing is to be conducted utilizing a commercially available or fabricated deep fat fryer constructed of sheet metal at least xx inch thick, and at least xx inches deep.

The test apparatus for hood and duct (full scale) testing is to be as specified.

An extinguishing system unit is to be tested using the maximum coverage limitations specified in the installation instructions.

Fuel loading

The test fuel grease is to be heated until liquid and poured into a device required for uniformly coating the inside surfaces of the duct and plenum chamber such as a xx gallon stored pressure water-type extinguisher pressurized in the normal manner. When an extinguisher is used, a discharge assembly other than that provided with the extinguisher is capable of being used to provide for a spray discharge. The interior surfaces of the duct and plenum chamber are to be evenly coated with the grease to obtain a minimum loading of xx pounds per square foot. Additional grease is capable of being used, particularly on large size ducts, to obtain the required sustained are. Alternative grease application methods that achieve equivalent results are capable of being used. The alters are to be loaded with a minimum of pounds of grease per square foot of alter area. This is to be done by spraying, dipping, or spreading solid grease onto each alter.

Temperature measurement

The interior of the duct is to be provided with thermocouples located xx and xx feet from the duct entrance. The thermocouples are to be Type K (chromel-alumel) of xx or xx AWG wire with an untwisted welded bare bead junction not more than xx inch in diameter. The thermocouples are to be located at the center of the cross section of the duct and are to be connected to chart recorders or other equivalent means for monitoring thermocouple temperatures.

Deep fat fryer

Each full scale are test is to be conducted with a deep fat fryer located under the hood and directly below the duct entrance. The distance between the deep fat fryer and the hood entrance is to be as convenient for the test installation. The deep fat fryer is to be fully involved in flames prior to the 30 second countdown specified.

Duct airflow

Tests are to be conducted at the following airflow/damper conditions:

  1. Duct outlet open at all times with no exhaust blower assistance permitted after ignition.
  2. Duct outlet closed by the damper immediately before system actuation, with no exhaust blower assistance permitted after system actuation.
  3. xx to xx feet per minute velocity in duct, achieved by using exhaust blower assistance. The air flow in the duct is to be adjusted after ungreased alters are installed to obtain the appropriate discharge rate as specified below. Instruments, such as velometers or piezometers, are to be used for checking the air velocity and making the adjustments. A minimum of xx measurement points are to be averaged to determine the velocity in the duct. The measurements are to be taken downstream of the hood and determined by dividing the cross section of the duct into xx equal subsections. The measuring device is to be located at the point of intersection of the boundaries forming each subsection. An alternative means for measuring velocity is to be used when judged to provide equivalent results. The duct outlet shall remain open throughout the test.

Fuel ignition and extinguishing system unit operation

The ignition of the are in the fryer, hood, and duct is to be initiated by external heat sources. Gas burners, propane burners, hand held propane torches, or similar items are sources of ignition. Previous testing has indicated that external heating sources applied under the hood and generating a heat output between xx and xx Btu per minute is capable of igniting the hood area and duct. The ignition of the grease in the deep fat fryer is to be made using the fryer's integral or an external heating source. Flammable liquids such as diesel fuel or gasoline are not to be used as ignition sources for the hood and duct.

Ignition occurs when the temperature at the xx foot xx thermocouple reaches at least or when the temperature at the xx foot xx thermocouple reaches at least, whichever occurs. In general, the xx foot thermocouple reading cuctuates between xx and xx°F for a short while and then rise rapidly.

When ignition occurs, the ignition sources are to be shut down. After all ignition sources have been shut down, and when the temperature at the xx foot thermocouple stabilizes above xx°F or when it continues to increase, a xx second countdown is to be started. The xx second countdown is not to be started while the temperature is dropping after shutting down the ignition sources. The countdown is to be halted whenever the temperature starts to drop and is to be resumed when the temperature at the xx foot  thermocouple stabilizes above xx°F  or when it begins to rise above xx°F.

At the conclusion of the xx second countdown, the extinguishing system unit is to be manually operated.

Plenum testing

In addition to the tests specified in, a plenum test is to be conducted with ignition occurring when the plenum and alter are is at its maximum intensity, as determined by visual observation. At the point of maximum intensity, the system is to be manually actuated. Small residual flames shall self-extinguish. For the plenum test, the duct outlet is to be open and blower assistance as specified in (c) is to be used.

Prior to conducting the extinguishment test, discharge tests are to be conducted in the plenum area, using the air flows specified (a) and (c), to verify that the extinguishing agent is capable of covering the alter area.

Conditions of acceptability

Upon actuation, the are shall be extinguished as evidenced by a sharp decrease in temperature and in no instance shall an increase in any temperature occur. Routine actuations in recording instruments are to be disregarded. Small residual flames shall self-extinguish with no additional application of extinguishing agent.

The duct and hood are then to be examined after the are has been extinguished. For successful test results, grease shall be present in the system to the extent that the grease was capable of sustaining the are had it not been extinguished.